UST Closure Services
We specialize in conducting the closure of Underground Storage Tanks (USTs). As a certified in New Jersey UST closure and subsurface evaluator, we also oversee the closure of Unregulated Heating Oil Tanks (UHOTs) and Aboveground Storage Tanks (AST).
In addition, we provide assistance with compliance issues for USTs, UHOTs, or ASTs.
Specific services we offer for UST closure include the following:

UST Site Investigation Report (Closure reporting)
A report detailing the closure activities (tank removal, post-excavation sampling, results analysis, and site restoration).
UST Removal Oversight
On-site inspection services, post-excavation sampling, and contractor oversight.
UST Spill Response/Immediate Environmental Concern
LSRP services and coordination of spill response including reporting to the state, required regulatory forms, and official correspondence.
Have a Question?
Get in touch! We specialize in UST Closure with over 20 years of experience. We can help you too.