Remediation Services
Whether you’re performing due diligence or have an active remediation case, we conduct subsurface investigations to assess environmental contamination. These investigations can be designed to delineate the extent of soil and/or groundwater contamination. Using the regulatory framework and your unique goals for site use, we evaluate all remedial options and design a remedy for resolving environmental contamination at your site.
Specific Environmental Investigation and Remediation products/services we offer include the following:

New Jersey Site Investigation Report (SIR) / Site Investigation Design
A site investigation plan designed to meet New Jersey Site Remediation Program (SRP) criteria (determining if contaminants exist on the property). A SIR detailing the outcome of the Site Investigation.
New Jersey Remedial Investigation Report (RIR) / Remedial Investigation Design
A remedial investigation plan designed to meet New Jersey Site Remediation Program (SRP) criteria (involving delineation of contaminants on the property). A RIR documents the outcome of the Remedial Investigation.
New Jersey Remedial Action Report (RIR) / Remedial Action Design
A remedial action plan designed to meet New Jersey Site Remediation Program (SRP) criteria (removal or appropriate remedy for contaminants on the property). A RAR documents the outcome of the Remedial Action(s).
New Jersey Response Action Outcome (RAO)
A final remedial document issued by an LSRP to a responsible party at the close of a remediation.
Any site restrictions in soil or groundwater may also require a Remedial Action Permit prior to closure of remediation.